About Me

Hi!  I'm Brian Black...artist, photographer and a little bit of an adventurer.  I've been airbrush painting since 1990, airbrushing everything from t-shirts and other clothing, to automotive/motorcycles, and metal and wood panels.  Canvas has become my preferred surface.  Painting on canvas is similar to painting on clothing, so it was a natural transition.  Fine art painting with an airbrush takes time, and it can typically take anywhere between 25-100 hours to create a painting, depending on size and details included.

I started photography to take reference shots for my artwork, but it's kind of taken on a life of its own.  As new photographers realize, you get maybe one good shot out of many.  From the photos I've taken, I have built a collection of my best photos to share with others and am offering them here through posters, notebooks and other printed items.

I recently started getting involved in using AI to help me get my ideas into concepts faster. I think AI is a great mix of the images it can generate from my ideas.  The AI is cooking the sauce and I'm adding the flavor!  To me, it's a perfect mix. I hope you enjoy my and MidJourney's mix of interesting AI art!

Thanks for visiting!